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21 Tapes with Hamdeen. Dokumenttielokuvan näytös ja yleisökeskustelu

21 Tapes with Hamdeen. Dokumenttielokuvan näytös ja yleisökeskustelu

Sijainti: galleria 3h+k
Ajankohta: ‎10. huhtikuuta 2011 16:00

Galleria 3h+k, sunnuntai 10.04. kello 16.00

Dokumenttielokuvan näytös ja yleisökeskustelu. Aiheena arabimaiden viimeaikaiset mellakat ja Egyptin poliittinen oppositio.

21 Tapes with Hamdeen (33 min, engl. kieliset tekstit)

Ohjaus: Khaled Ramadan. Tuottaja: Chamber of Public Secrets – CPS, 2011.

Dokumenttielokuva esittelee egyptiläisen uus-nasseristin Hamdeen Sabahin joka on eräs mahdollinen ehdokas Egyptin uudeksi presidentiksi Hosni Mubarakin vuoden 2011 alussa tapahtuneen vallasta luopumisen jälkeen. Dokumentti valottaa Egyptin ja samalla koko Lähi-idän poliittista tilannetta, ja niitä mahdollisuuksia ja esteitä joita alueen demokratisoitumiskehityksessä on.

Info in English:

Documentary film screening & Discussion:

Political opposition in Egypt and the revolting of the Arabs

Special event and a new documentary film:

21 Tapes with Hamdeen (33 min, English subtitled)

In the documentary we meet the Egyptian Neo-Nasserite Hamdeen Sabahi, who is one of the potential candidates for presidency.

During the recent popular uprising and demands for basic human rights and democratic representation and governance in the Middle East (Tunisia, Egypt & Jordan, Yemen, Libya and elsewhere), we are often presented with a bi-polar picture of the intricate political spectrum from that region. Correspondents and pundits offer us a reductionist scenario of either pragmatically living with and accepting dictatorship, which is more than able to suppress any democratic aspirations, or paving the path for other types of totalitarian regimes ready and eager to take the reigns of the country.

Obvious loss of information and point of views are never seriously discussed, as we somehow feel ourselves trapped in debating the either/or scenario we’re being presented with. The documentary film tries to break free from this straight-jacket by meeting and discussing politics with the Neo-Nasserite Hamdeen Sabahi, whose tremendous struggle to form a political party in Egypt echoes similar struggles throughout the country and the surrounding regions.

Sabahi participated as a Deputy in the People's Assembly for the district of Burullus in elections in both 2000 and 2005. He is the founder of Al-Karama (Dignity) party (still under construction) and editor of its newspaper. As a deputy at the People's Assembly, during his electoral battles people of his constituency sacrificed themselves and even had to die to be able to reach the election boxes and express their rights to vote in the village of Balteem. Hamdeen Sabahi expresses a process of long struggle and is a symbol of political activism. He is respected by all factions within Egypt's politics. He was one of the first student leaders with the courage to confront the former president Sadat on corruption and politics. Nevertheless, we rarely hear his

name in the political commentaries presented by the media in Europe and the USA.In 2009, Khaled Ramadan followed Hamdeen Sabahi on daily bases and did several interviews with him about his role in the Egyptian opposition and as a member of the parliament who was jailed several times for his political opinions. There are many similar stories like Sabahi’s in Egypt and throughout the Middle East. We’d like to invite you for public screening of Khaled Ramadan’s new documentary, and participate in a discussion on the current political activities in Egypt and the rest of the Arab world and its future. Film by Khaled Ramadan, artist, curator and archivist Producer: Chamber of Public Secrets – CPS 2011

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